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Notebook and Pen

Client Email
by Neila Forssberg

This email demonstrates how I communicate with clients. I responded to a client who had concerns about the diversity on our yoga posters.

Hi (Client name),

Thank you for reaching out. My name is Neila, and I'm with Client Relations. 

I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you taking the time to email us with feedback on our yoga posters. I also wanted to share this link with you to a page on our website that introduces our eight yoga kids and details their stories:

We have boys and girls from several countries around the world to represent different genders and cultures. It depends which poses are on a certain poster whether there is a balance of genders and cultures. If you are interested in more posters, check out the Simple Yoga Sequences, which includes 30 five-pose posters:

I have attached two posters for you to this email in PDF format: our Island Yoga Poster and our Ocean Yoga Poster. Please accept these posters as our gift. I believe they better represent the diversity in our yoga children.

Again, we truly appreciate your feedback, and we take it to heart. We strive to offer the best products we can to fit all needs. If you have any more questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, please let me know. It would be my absolute pleasure to help in any way possible.

Thank you so much for your interest in Kids Yoga Stories, and I hope you have a wonderful day.



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